

鼻窦炎是围绕鼻子的鼻窦的炎症(副窦),通常伴有鼻炎 - 鼻衬的炎症。这被称为鼻孔炎。

Sinusitis is defined as either:

  • 急性(症状突然出现);或者
  • 慢性(症状持续超过12周)。



  • 脸部疼痛或压力;
  • either blocked nose or runny nose and/or后滴(粘液从喉咙的背面延伸,引起刺激);和
  • reduced sense of smell or taste.

Additional symptoms may include:

  • facial tenderness;
  • 发热;
  • tiredness;
  • bad breath;
  • 头痛;
  • 眼睛肿胀;
  • 上颌和/或牙齿的疼痛;
  • 咳嗽;和
  • 恶心。

症状of chronic sinusitis are similar to those of acute sinusitis, but last longer. Fever is generally not a feature of chronic sinusitis.


A sensation of partial deafness or blockage in the ear may occur in some people with sinusitis. This is because the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose, blocks up in just the same way as the nearby sinus openings.

Spread of infection into nearby structures, such as the eye or brain, is a serious but rare complication of untreated bacterial sinus infections.脑膜炎(inflammation of the lining of the brain) and sepsis (an extreme, life-threatening abnormal response by the body to infection) are other rare but serious complications.

The sinuses

The paranasal sinuses are spaces in the bones of the skull which are mainly full of air. The paranasal sinuses include:

  • 蝶窦 - 在头部中心;
  • the maxillary sinuses – situated in the cheekbones;
  • the frontal sinuses – above the eyes; and
  • 筛窦 - 鼻子的两侧。

The lining of the sinuses produces clear fluid – mucus – which cleans them. This fluid passes through narrow drainage passages into the back of the nose and throat, from where it is swallowed. This happens continually, although we are usually unaware of it.

Because the drainage holes from the sinuses are narrow, they block up easily. So any excess mucus production can cause a blockage, and pressure builds up in the sinuses.

The 2 main causes of excess mucus production are:

  • 感染;和
  • allergy.


原因of infective sinusitis include:

  • viral infections such as the common cold;
  • bacterial infections (usually a complication of viral sinusitis);
  • fungal infections (usually seen in people with an underlying problem with their sinuses or immune system).

Risk factors

Factors that can increase your risk of developing sinusitis include:

  • obstruction in the nose or sinuses (due to problems such as nasal polyps – small benign growths in the nose, or a deviated septum after a fractured nose);
  • allergy (hay fever, or过敏性鼻炎);和
  • problems with your immune system.




  • 成像测试当症状严重或慢性鼻窦炎无法改善时,有时会使用旁那鼻鼻涕的CT扫描或MRI(磁共振成像)。
  • Nasal endoscopy, where a narrow lighted tube with a camera is used to look at the nasal cavity and sinuses. It can show excess mucus, inflammation and swelling of the inner lining of the nose and sinuses, and problems such as polyps.
  • 微生物学测试:发送鼻拭子进行测试,以尝试确认是否有感染和哪种类型。只有在鼻窦炎不反应治疗时才进行此类测试。
  • 过敏测试, to determine whether allergies are contributing to your sinusitis.



  • Self-care measuressuch as rest, drinking plenty of fluids, steam inhalations, and applying a warm compress to your forehead.
  • 解救痛苦的人例如扑热息痛和非甾体类抗炎药(NSAIDS)。
  • Saline nasal sprays and nasal irrigation对于缓解鼻充血很有用。
  • 皮质类固醇鼻喷雾剂也可以帮助改善症状。口服皮质类固醇片也偶尔用于治疗急性和慢性鼻窦炎。
  • Decongestants: decongestant nasal sprays can provide relief but should not be used for longer than 3 days or in young children. Decongestant tablets can also be used to ease symptoms, but should not be used for more than a few days.
  • Hay fever treatment,当过敏性鼻炎导致鼻窦炎时,建议使用抗组胺药或片剂。持续的花粉症免疫疗法是另一种治疗选择。


Antibiotics are sometimes needed to treat sinusitis when a bacterial infection is suspected. Acute bacterial sinusitis is suspected when:

  • symptoms are getting worse after initial improvement;
  • you have a high fever, symptoms are severe and have lasted for more than 3 days; or
  • symptoms of rhinosinusitis have lasted for longer than 7 days.






If you have chronic sinusitis and treatments are not helping, your doctor may refer you to a specialist – such as anEar, Nose and Throat (ENT) specialist或一个过敏专家– for further evaluation and treatment.


1. Rhinosinusitis (revised February 2015). In: eTG complete. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited; 2015 Mar. (accessed May 2015).
2. Acute rhinosinusitis (revised October 2014). In: eTG complete. Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited; 2015 Mar. (accessed May 2015).



